This function provides an approximation of the temporal base forecasts errors covariance matrix using different reconciliation methods (see Di Fonzo and Girolimetto, 2023).
tecov(comb, agg_order = NULL, res = NULL, tew = "sum",
mse = TRUE, shrink_fun = shrink_estim, ...)
- comb
A string specifying the reconciliation method.
Ordinary least squares:
" (default) - identity error covariance.
Weighted least squares:
" - structural variances."
" - hierarchy variances (usesres
" - series variances (usesres
Generalized least squares (uses
" - series auto-covariance."
" - structural Markov covariance."
" - series Markov covariance."
" - hierarchy Markov covariance."
" - shrunk/sample covariance.
- agg_order
Highest available sampling frequency per seasonal cycle (max. order of temporal aggregation, m), or a vector representing a subset of p factors of m.
- res
A (N(k∗+m)×1) optional numeric vector containing the in-sample residuals at all the temporal frequencies ordered from the lowest frequency to the highest frequency. This vector is used to compute come covariance matrices.
- tew
A string specifying the type of temporal aggregation. Options include: "
" (simple summation, default), "avg
" (average), "first
" (first value of the period), and "last
" (last value of the period).- mse
(default) the residuals used to compute the covariance matrix are not mean-corrected.- shrink_fun
Shrinkage function of the covariance matrix, shrink_estim (default)
- ...
Not used.
Di Fonzo, T. and Girolimetto, D. (2023), Cross-temporal forecast reconciliation: Optimal combination method and heuristic alternatives, International Journal of Forecasting, 39, 1, 39-57. doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2021.08.004
# (7 x 70) in-sample residuals matrix (simulated), agg_order = 4
res <- rnorm(70)
cov1 <- tecov("ols", agg_order = 4) # OLS methods
cov2 <- tecov("str", agg_order = 4) # STRC methods
cov3 <- tecov("wlsv", agg_order = 4, res = res) # WLSv methods
cov4 <- tecov("wlsh", agg_order = 4, res = res) # WLSh methods
cov5 <- tecov("acov", agg_order = 4, res = res) # ACOV methods
cov6 <- tecov("strar1", agg_order = 4, res = res) # STRAR1 methods
cov7 <- tecov("har1", agg_order = 4, res = res) # HAR1 methods
cov8 <- tecov("sar1", agg_order = 4, res = res) # SAR1 methods
cov9 <- tecov("shr", agg_order = 4, res = res) # SHR methods
cov10 <- tecov("sam", agg_order = 4, res = res) # SAM methods
# Custom covariance matrix
tecov.ols2 <- function(comb, x) diag(x)
tecov(comb = "ols2", x = 7) # == tecov("ols", agg_order = 4)
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
#> [1,] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> [2,] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
#> [3,] 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
#> [4,] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
#> [5,] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
#> [6,] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
#> [7,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1