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In this vignette, the htseg2 dataset (a simulated four level hierarchy with a total of 17 series, each of length 16) of the hts package is used to show how to get the same results using FoReco.

Base forecasts

data <- allts(htseg2)
n <- NCOL(data)
nb <- NCOL(htseg2$bts)
na <- n-nb
A <- smatrix(htseg2)[1:na, ]
dimnames(A) <- list(colnames(data)[1:na], colnames(data)[-c(1:na)])

# List containing the base forecasts
# Forecast horizon: 10
fc_obj <- list()
for (i in 1:n) {
  fc_obj[[i]] <- forecast(auto.arima(data[, i]))

# Create the matrix of base forecasts
base <- NULL
for (i in 1:n) {
  base <- cbind(base, fc_obj[[i]]$mean)
colnames(base) <- colnames(data)

# Create the matrix of residuals
res <- NULL
for (i in 1:n) {
  res <- cbind(res, fc_obj[[i]]$residuals)
colnames(res) <- colnames(data)


In this section we compare reconciliation methods available in both hts and FoReco packages and we show the equivalence between them. We explore bottom-up, top-down, and optimal reconciliation approaches.

Bottom-up and top-down reconciliation

# Tollerance setting
tol <- 1e-7

## Bottom-up
hts_bu <- forecast(htseg2, method = "bu", fmethod = "arima")
FoReco_bu <- csbu(base[, colnames(A)], agg_mat = A)
sum(abs(allts(hts_bu) - FoReco_bu) > tol)
#> [1] 0

## Top-down

### Average historical proportions - Gross-Sohl method A
hts_gsa <- forecast(htseg2, method = "tdgsa", fmethod = "arima")
p_gsa <- colMeans(apply(htseg2$bts, 2, function(x) x/rowSums(htseg2$bts)))
FoReco_gsa <- cstd(base[, 1], agg_mat = A, weights = p_gsa)
sum(abs(allts(hts_gsa) - FoReco_gsa) > tol)
#> [1] 0

## Proportions of the historical averages - Gross-Sohl method F
hts_gsf <- forecast(htseg2, method = "tdgsf", fmethod = "arima")
p_gsf <- colMeans(htseg2$bts)/mean(rowSums(htseg2$bts))
FoReco_gsf <- cstd(base[, 1], agg_mat = A, weights = p_gsf)
sum(abs(allts(hts_gsf) - FoReco_gsf) > tol)
#> [1] 0

### Forecast proportions
hts_fp <- forecast(htseg2, method = "tdfp", fmethod = "arima")
# FoReco needs the forecast proportions as input
levels <- c(1, 2, 4, 10)
S <- cstools(A)$strc_mat
p_fp <- matrix(NA, nrow = NROW(base), ncol = NCOL(S))
for(i in 1:NROW(base)){
  idl <- rep(1:length(levels), levels)
  for(j in 1:NCOL(S)){
    cs <- S[, j]
    id2 <- rev(which(cs==1))
    out <- NULL
    for(k in 1:length(id2[-1])){
      tmp <- S[which(idl == idl[id2[k]]-1), , drop = FALSE]
      idf <- rowSums(S[idl == idl[id2[k]], tmp[tmp[,j]==1, ] == 1, drop = FALSE]) != 0
      out <- c(out, base[i, id2[k]]/sum(sum(base[i, idl == idl[id2[k]]][idf])))
    p_fp[i, j] <- prod(out)
FoReco_fp <- cstd(base[, 1], agg_mat = A, weights = p_fp, normalize = F)
#> Warning: The `weights` do not add up to 1
sum(abs(allts(hts_fp) - FoReco_fp) > tol)
#> [1] 0

Optimal forecast reconciliation

## Ordinary least squares (identity error covariance matrix)
hts_ols <- combinef(base, nodes = get_nodes(htseg2), keep = "all")
FoReco_ols <- csrec(base, agg_mat = A, comb = "ols")
sum(abs(hts_ols - FoReco_ols) > tol)
#> [1] 0

## Weighted least squares (structural variances)
hts_str <- combinef(base, nodes = get_nodes(htseg2), 
                    weights = 1/apply(smatrix(htseg2), 1, sum), 
                    keep = "all")
FoReco_str <- csrec(base, agg_mat = A, comb = "str")
sum(abs(hts_str - FoReco_str) > tol)
#> [1] 0

## Generalized least squares (shrunk covariance matrix)
hts_shr <- MinT(base, nodes = get_nodes(htseg2), keep = "all",
                  covariance = "shr", residual = res)
FoReco_shr <- csrec(base, agg_mat = A, comb = "shr", res = res)
sum(abs(hts_shr - FoReco_shr) > tol)
#> [1] 0

## Generalized least squares (sample covariance matrix)
hts_sam <- MinT(base, nodes = get_nodes(htseg2), keep = "all",
                  covariance = "sam", residual = res)
#> Warning in value[[3L]](cond): An error in LU decomposition occurred, the message was the following:
#> 'a' is computationally singular, min(d)/max(d)=1.12144e-16, d=abs(diag(U))
#>  Trying QR decomposition instead...
FoReco_sam <- csrec(base, agg_mat = A, comb = "sam", res = res)
sum(abs(hts_sam-FoReco_sam) > tol)
#> [1] 0