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This vignette demonstrates the use of the FoReco package for cross-sectional forecast reconciliation. We will work through examples using grouped and general linearly constrained time series, showing how to obtain base forecasts, reconcile these forecasts, and address practical challenges such as non-negativity constraints and immutable forecasts. We will also explore probabilistic forecast reconciliation.


First, we load the necessary packages.

library(FoReco)   # -> To perform reconciliation
library(forecast)  # -> To obtain base forecasts

vndata: Groupped time series

We will use the vndata dataset (Wickramasuriya et al., 2018), which contains grouped time series data, and vnaggmat, which is the corresponding aggregation matrix. See the dataset vignette for more details.

data(vndata)      # dataset
data(vnaggmat)    # Agg mat matrix

Base forecast

To obtained the base forecasts, we fit an ETS model with log transformation to each series. We handle zeros by replacing them with half the minimum non-zero value in the series (Wickramasuriya et al., 2020), then fit the ETS model and generate forecasts.

model <- setNames(vector(mode='list', length=NCOL(vndata)), colnames(vndata))
fc_obj <- setNames(vector(mode='list', length=NCOL(vndata)), colnames(vndata))

# ETS model with log transformation
ets_log <- function(x, ...){
  x[x==0] <- min(x[x!=0])/2
  ets(x, lambda = 0, ...)

for(i in 1:NCOL(vndata)){
  model[[i]] <- ets_log(vndata[, i])
  fc_obj[[i]] <- forecast(model[[i]], h = 12)

We extract the point forecasts and residuals from the fitted models.

# Point forecasts
base <-, lapply(fc_obj, function(x) x$mean))
str(base, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  Time-Series [1:12, 1:525] from 2017 to 2018: 50651 21336 24567 29800 22846 ...
# Residuals
res <-, lapply(fc_obj, residuals, type = "response"))
str(res, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  Time-Series [1:228, 1:525] from 1998 to 2017: 2143 -970 -115 133 951 ...

Point forecast reconciliation

We apply various reconciliation methods to the base forecasts to ensure they add up correctly across different levels of aggregation.

Bottom-up reconciliation (Dunn et al., 1976) aggregates forecasts from the lowest level to higher levels.

fc_bts <- base[, colnames(vnaggmat)]
rf_bu <- csbu(fc_bts, agg_mat = vnaggmat)
str(rf_bu, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  num [1:12, 1:525] 44094 18218 20585 25563 19385 ...

In the top-down reconciliation for genuine hierarchical/grouped time series (Gross & Sohl, 1990), the forecast of Total (top-level series, expected to be positive) is disaggregated according to a proportional scheme (weights) such that:

  • the top-level value remains unchanged;

  • all the bottom time series reconciled forecasts are non-negative.

bts <- vndata[, colnames(vnaggmat)]
total <- vndata[, "Total"]
fc_total <- base[, "Total"]

# Average historical proportions - Gross-Sohl method A
p_gsa <- colMeans(apply(bts, 2, function(x) x/total))
rf_td_gsa <- cstd(fc_total, agg_mat = vnaggmat, weights = p_gsa)
str(rf_td_gsa, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  num [1:12, 1:525] 50651 21336 24567 29800 22846 ...

# Proportions of the historical averages - Gross-Sohl method F
p_gsf <- colMeans(bts)/mean(total)
rf_td_gsf <- cstd(fc_total, agg_mat = vnaggmat, weights = p_gsf)
str(rf_td_gsf, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  num [1:12, 1:525] 50651 21336 24567 29800 22846 ...

The level conditional coherent reconciliation (LCC) is a generalization of the the original proposal by Hollyman et al. (2021) where the reconciled forecasts are conditional to (i.e., constrained by) the base forecasts of a specific upper level of the hierarchy (Di Fonzo & Girolimetto, 2024).

rf_lcc <- cslcc(base = base, agg_mat = vnaggmat,
                res = res, comb = "wls")
str(rf_lcc, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  num [1:12, 1:525] 47896 20405 23276 28275 21938 ...

Finally we can obtained the optimal (in least squares sense) combination cross-sectional reconciled forecast (Girolimetto & Di Fonzo, 2023; Panagiotelis et al., 2021; Wickramasuriya et al., 2018).

rf_opt <- csrec(base = base, agg_mat = vnaggmat, res = res, comb = "shr")
str(rf_opt, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  num [1:12, 1:525] 49160 21622 24815 29433 23260 ...

The following table shows some options for the optimal combination cross-sectional reconciliation function csrec().

Projection approach Structural approach
approach="proj" \[ \tilde{\mathbf{y}}_h = \left[\mathbf{I}_n - \mathbf{W}\mathbf{C}'(\mathbf{C}\mathbf{W}\mathbf{C}')^{-1}\mathbf{C}\right] \hat{\mathbf{y}}_h \] approach="strc" \[ \tilde{\mathbf{y}}_h = \mathbf{S}(\mathbf{S}'\mathbf{W}^{-1}\mathbf{S})^{-1}\mathbf{S}'\mathbf{W}^{-1} \hat{\mathbf{y}}_h \]
Non-negative forecast reconciliation (osqp)
approach="proj" + nn="osqp" or nn="proj_osqp" approach="strc" + nn="osqp" or nn="strc_osqp"
Non-negative forecast reconciliation (sntz)
not supported* nn="sntz"
Immutable forecast reconciliation
supported supported
* If the cross-sectional zero-constraints matrix is \(\mathbf{C} = [\mathbf{I}\quad-\mathbf{A}]\), then nn="sntz" is supported.

Practical challenges

Non negativity issues

Unfortunately, our reconciled forecasts contain negative values, even though we used non-negative base forecasts during the reconciliation.

#>  Optimal Cross-sectional Forecast Reconciliation
#>  FoReco function: `csrec`
#>  Covariance approximation: `shr`
#>  Non-negative forecasts: `FALSE`

To address this issue, we can use two approaches:

  • State-of-the-art numerical optimization procedure, osqp (Stellato et al., 2020).
rf_osqp <- csrec(base = base, agg_mat = vnaggmat, res = res, comb = "shr", nn = "osqp")
tmp <- recoinfo(rf_osqp)
#>  Optimal Cross-sectional Forecast Reconciliation
#>  FoReco function: `csrec`
#>  Covariance approximation: `shr`
#>  Non-negative forecasts: `TRUE`
tmp$info # OSQP information matrix 
#>     obj_val  run_time iter      pri_res status status_polish
#> 1 -3197.129 0.1950355  450 7.983912e-12      1             1
  • Simple heuristic strategy: set-negative-to-zero, sntz (Di Fonzo & Girolimetto, 2023).
rf_sntz <- csrec(base = base, agg_mat = vnaggmat, res = res, comb = "shr", 
                     nn = "sntz")
#>  Optimal Cross-sectional Forecast Reconciliation
#>  FoReco function: `csrec`
#>  Covariance approximation: `shr`
#>  Non-negative forecasts: `TRUE`

A priori constrained (immutable) forecasts

Sometimes we may wish to incorporate a priori knowledge during the reconciliation process (Zhang et al., 2023) in order to improve the accuracy of the reconciled forecasts. For example, suppose we want to fix the forecasts of the states level series at the base forecasts values.

rf_imm <- csrec(base = base, agg_mat = vnaggmat, res = res, comb = "shr", immutable = c(2:8))
str(rf_imm, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  num [1:12, 1:525] 50403 21300 24398 29664 22962 ...
round(rf_imm[, 2:8] - base[, 2:8], 6)
#>          A B C D E F G
#> Jan 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> Feb 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> Mar 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> Apr 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> May 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> Jun 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> Jul 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> Aug 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> Sep 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> Oct 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> Nov 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> Dec 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Probabilistic forecast reconciliation

Panagiotelis et al. (2023) shows that a sample from the reconciled distribution can be obtained by reconciling a sample from the incoherent distribution. This distinction between the incoherent sample and the reconciliation allows us to separate the two steps.

We can use a non-parametric method, the joint block bootstrap to simulate \(B\) samples and then reconciled them.

# Base forecasts' sample:
# we simulate from the base models by sampling errors 
# while keeping the cross-sectional dimension fixed.
B <- 100
base_csjb <- csboot(model, B, 12)$sample

# Reconciled forecasts' sample: 
# we reconcile each member of a sample from the incoherent distribution.
reco_csjb <- apply(base_csjb, 3, csrec, agg_mat = vnaggmat, res = res, nn = "sntz",
                   comb = "shr", keep = "recf", simplify = FALSE)
reco_csjb <- simplify2array(reco_csjb)
rownames(reco_csjb) <- rownames(base_csjb)
str(reco_csjb, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  num [1:100, 1:525, 1:12] 47753 48449 52862 53098 54893 ...

A parametric method assumes a normal distribution (Gaussian), to generate the incoherent sample set of forecasts.

# Multi-step residuals
hres <- lapply(1:12, function(h) 
  sapply(model, residuals, type='response', h = h))
# List of H=12 covariance matrix (one for each forecast horizon)
cov_shr <- lapply(hres, function(r) cscov(comb = "shr", res = r)) 

# Base forecasts' sample:
# we simulate from a multivariate normal distribution.
base_csg <- lapply(1:12, function(h) MASS::mvrnorm(n = B, mu = base[h, ], Sigma = cov_shr[[h]]))
base_csg <- simplify2array(base_csg)
dimnames(base_csg) <- dimnames(base_csjb)

# Reconciled forecasts' sample:
# we reconcile each member of the base forecasts' sample.
reco_csg <- apply(base_csg, 3, csrec, agg_mat = vnaggmat, res = res, nn = "sntz",
                   comb = "shr", keep = "recf", simplify = FALSE)
reco_csg <- simplify2array(reco_csg)
rownames(reco_csg) <- rownames(base_csg)
str(reco_csg, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  num [1:100, 1:525, 1:12] 48405 49013 50513 51014 48092 ...

itagdp: general linearly constrained multiple time series

In this section, we work with the itagdp dataset and the corresponding zero-constrained matrix gdpconsmat. This dataset illustrates reconciliation under more complex linear constraints where an unique aggregation is not available. See the dataset vignette for more details.

data(itagdp)      # dataset
data(gdpconsmat)  # Zero-constrained matrix

Base forecasts

We fit ARIMA models to each series and generate base forecasts.

model <- setNames(vector(mode='list', length=NCOL(itagdp)), colnames(itagdp))
fc_obj <- setNames(vector(mode='list', length=NCOL(itagdp)), colnames(itagdp))
for(i in 1:NCOL(itagdp)){
  model[[i]] <- auto.arima(itagdp[, i])
  fc_obj[[i]] <- forecast(model[[i]], h = 4)
# Point forecasts
base <-, lapply(fc_obj, function(x) x$mean))
str(base, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  Time-Series [1:4, 1:21] from 2020 to 2021: 435117 454372 451935 483302 169348 ...
# Residuals
res <-, lapply(fc_obj, function(x) x$residuals))
str(res, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  Time-Series [1:80, 1:21] from 2000 to 2020: 167.9 89.7 51.4 -43.6 -630.9 ...

Point forecast reconciliation

We apply the optimal reconciliation method to the base forecasts, considering the linear constraints defined by gdpconsmat.

rf_opt <- csrec(base = base, cons_mat = gdpconsmat, res = res, comb = "wls")
str(rf_opt, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  num [1:4, 1:21] 434329 453375 451278 482269 169366 ...

Practical challenge: immutable forecast

In this case, we want to fix the forecasts of the top level series (\(GDP\)) at the base forecasts values.

rf_imm <- csrec(base = base, cons_mat = gdpconsmat, res = res, comb = "wls", immutable = c(1))
str(rf_imm, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  num [1:4, 1:21] 435117 454372 451935 483302 169424 ...
#>      Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
#> 2020    0    0    0    0

Probabilistic forecast reconciliation

We can use a non-parametric method, the joint block bootstrap to simulate \(B\) samples and then reconciled them.

# Base forecasts' sample:
# we simulate from the base models by sampling errors 
# while keeping the cross-sectional dimension fixed.
B <- 100
base_csjb <- csboot(model, B, 4)$sample

# Reconciled forecasts' sample: 
# we reconcile each member of a sample from the incoherent distribution.
reco_csjb <- apply(base_csjb, 3, csrec, cons_mat = gdpconsmat, res = res, 
                   comb = "shr", keep = "recf", simplify = FALSE)
reco_csjb <- simplify2array(reco_csjb)
rownames(reco_csjb) <- rownames(base_csjb)
str(reco_csjb, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  num [1:100, 1:21, 1:4] 435077 433615 439269 439202 429506 ...

Alternatively, we can use a parametric method.

# Multi-step residuals
hres <- lapply(1:4, function(h) 
  sapply(model, residuals, type='response', h = h))
# List of H=12 covariance matrix (one for each forecast horizon)
cov_shr <- lapply(hres, function(r) cscov(comb = "shr", res = r)) 

# Base forecasts' sample:
# we simulate from a multivariate normal distribution.
base_csg <- lapply(1:4, function(h) MASS::mvrnorm(n = B, mu = base[h, ], Sigma = cov_shr[[h]]))
base_csg <- simplify2array(base_csg)
dimnames(base_csg) <- dimnames(base_csjb)

# Reconciled forecasts' sample:
# we reconcile each member of the base forecasts' sample.
reco_csg <- apply(base_csg, 3, csrec, cons_mat = gdpconsmat, res = res, 
                   comb = "shr", keep = "recf", simplify = FALSE)
reco_csg <- simplify2array(reco_csg)
rownames(reco_csg) <- rownames(base_csg)
str(reco_csg, give.attr = FALSE)
#>  num [1:100, 1:21, 1:4] 435745 438742 434423 432915 428202 ...


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