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Extended version of the FoReco::cscov function, introducing two new approximations for the covariance matrix (both shrunk and sample versions). Specifically, shrbe/sambe assume no correlation between experts, while shrbv/sambv assume no correlation between variables.


# S3 method for shrbe
cscov(comb = "shrbe", ..., n = NULL, p = NULL, matNA = NULL,
      res = NULL, mse = TRUE, shrink_fun = NULL)

# S3 method for sambe
cscov(comb = "sambe", ..., n = NULL, p = NULL, matNA = NULL,
      res = NULL, mse = TRUE)

# S3 method for shrbv
cscov(comb = "shrbv", ..., n = NULL, p = NULL, matNA = NULL,
      res = NULL, mse = TRUE, shrink_fun = NULL)

# S3 method for sambv
cscov(comb = "sambv", ..., n = NULL, p = NULL, matNA = NULL,
      res = NULL, mse = TRUE)



A string specifying the reconciliation method.

  • FoReco approaches: "ols", "wls", "shr", "sam".

  • "shrbe"/"sambe" - shrunk/sample block-diagonal covariance by experts.

  • "shrbv"/"sambv" - shrunk/sample block-diagonal covariance by variables.


Arguments passed on to FoReco::cscov.


Total number of variables, \(n\).


Total number of experts, \(p\).


A (\(n \times p\)) matrix consisting of 0s and 1s, where each element indicates whether expert \(j\) (column) has provided a forecast for variable \(i\) (row). If expert \(j\) has provided a forecast for variable \(i\), the corresponding element \((i,j)\) is 1; otherwise, it is 0.


A list of \(p\) numeric (\(N \times n\)) matrix containing the in-sample residuals. This input is used to compute some covariance matrices.


If TRUE (default) the residuals used to compute the covariance matrix are not mean-corrected.


Shrinkage function of the covariance matrix, FoReco::shrink_estim (default).


A (\(m \times m\)) symmetric positive (semi-)definite matrix, with \(m = \sum_{j = 1}^p n_j\), \(n_j \leq n\).

See also

Other Optimal combination: csmtc(), csocc(), occmat()